Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Adventures in Yarn Farming by Barbara Parry | Book Review

Adventures in Yarn Farming by Barbara Parry

My Thoughts

Let's just start this review with one of the book's chapters: "Lambies in Jammies." Let that sink in. And there's photographs! There's actual pictures of actual baby lambs in actual lamb pajamas! If that doesn't make your heart smile... well, you might be a robot. Because that's darn-tootin' cute, y'all.

So let's start there, with the photographs. This book is chock full of breathtakingly beautiful photographs of Barbara Parry's Massachusetts farm. WOW. I want to live there! I do not have the words for the sheer beauty of this book: you'll just have to go read it yourself. Totally 100% look-worthy. And the animals! Who knew livestock could hold such emotion in their eyes? Who knew sheep were so matronly & loving? Rams so handsome? Or llamas so stately? Seriously: the photographs make LLAMAS look STATELY (and majestic).

(N, my lovely curmudgeonly hubby, did NOT enjoy my squeals of delight at every new photograph of sheep/lambs/llamas/goats but what does he know?)

I also read this book. Admission: I didn't expect to read this book. I thought I'd look at cute pictures of lambs and then return it to the library from whence it came. But I got totally sucked in! Ms. Parry has a way with words. I loved the way the book was arranged by season, to take the reader through a full year on a yarn farm. And who knew it took so much work! You can't just buy a couple sheep & raise them in your backyard. You need rams and llamas (sheep guardians) and hay and multiple pastures. It's a LOT of work. I really appreciate my yarn more deeply now. The book never gets bogged down in too many details but yet is chock full of information.

Go get this book. At least look at the pictures. You should probably read the words too, because it's a great book. Now I'm off to convince N that we should be fiber farmers....

(Lambies in Jammies.  You're welcome.)

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