Friday, April 4, 2014

Weekend Pintest #4

Has anyone else been sucked into the vortex of Pinterest quite as much as I have?  I mean, other than the craft blog ladies.  Ya'll, I could lose hours of my life browsing that site.  A couple months ago I realized, though, that I was pinning much more than I was doing.  So now my goal is to try at least one pin from my boards every weekend.  Some weeks I attempt upwards of two or three!  I know:  my life is very exciting.

So this week I tried a new Greek yogurt "recipe."  I put it in quotes because it doesn't feel like cooking... there's no baking and I didn't actually make the yogurt... it feels more like "assembling" than "cooking."  But I digress.

Apple Pie Greek Yogurt

Click HERE for the original blog post, with the details!

It boils down to Greek yogurt, apple butter, a few spices you'd find in a real apple pie, apples, chopped walnuts, and caramel sauce!  Mmm.  I thought this made a good bit of Greek yogurt, so I had it for breakfast three days in a row.  I just separated the Greek yogurt/apple butter/spices mixture into three Tupperware containers and refrigerated, and added the toppings the same day I planned to enjoy it.

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