Friday, October 17, 2014

Bookish Bingo

I just came across a new-to-me book blog called Great Imaginations.  (Click on the name of the blog to go directly to their site.)  I love it!  And they have a really, really, really fun-looking activity going on in October, November, and December:  Bookish Bingo.  See the Bingo card below?  I've signed up to try to earn as many bingos as possible by the end of December.  If I review a book that fits on the card, I'll make a note of it at the end of the post.  Unfortunately, the sign-up for this round ended Wednesday, but it sounds like they do these every quarter or so, so maybe you could sign up in January!

Feel free to comment and leave recommendations for any of the squares!  I have no plans, and am always open to suggestions.


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