Hey ya'll: trying something new again today. This being a very new blog overall, I get to experiment. This is a neat weekly feature over at a blog I really enjoy,
The Broke and the Bookish. They read some books similar to some that I've been reviewing, and they're fun and they write well. Totally worth checking out.
The Top Ten Tuesday theme for today is: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2014.
On a side note, there's a white board in my work break room where people pose questions and anyone can answer. Right now it's "What is your resolution for 2014?" Before that it was "What do you want for Christmas?" Always something light and fun. Right now the only answer on the board is "My progress isn't determined by the Gregorian calendar. Always upward; always onward." Love it!
N and I "don't set resolutions."
Yeah.... that's what N says, that "we don't set resolutions. It just sets you up for failure." He says it all straight-faced. And Kelso above? That's me, on the inside. Because we totally have resolutions! He just maybe doesn't know. :)
Marie's Top Ten Resolutions for 2014
Every year, I say that I'd like to meet or beat last year's reading tally! Last year I read 265 books. That's going to be a hard goal to meet or beat!
Write reviews of at least 65% of the books I read. From reading other book review blogs, this seems to be at the low end of reasonable expectation.
Re-read the Anne of Green Gables books. I'd love, love, love to re-read all 7 (? 8?) books, but I guess I could settle for just re-reading the first three. But it's been TOO LONG since I last read them! Oooh! Idea for a blog feature: I could get my mom to re-read them too and we can compare/contrast.
Exercise/work out at least 3x per week, but aim for 4x-5x. Ya'll, I'm 28. I've only got two more years to develop the health habits that I'll carry for the rest of my life!
N and I have GOT to start eating better, ya'll! It's sad. We're grown up people and we will still pig out on some Wendy's every two weeks or so. And the dinners I cook in between are often casseroles or have cheese or noodles.... we need more greens! Less butter! And I've got to eat more and get better.
I'm always striving to be a better, more caring person. A more Biblical wife. A more involved sister, sister-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, aunt. A better coworker. I don't have anything specific, but I'm always striving.
Take a vacation. This may not sound like something to "work on" for most of ya'll... unless you've met N. He's much, much, much more into "staycations" while I'm into going. We had such a blast in AZ last year that I want to make it a yearly goal to GO AWAY.
Increase church attendance. Sunday School attendance is pretty spotty, even when I'm not working, and night service attendance... that doesn't really happen. I need to go to the night service on Sundays that I work (meaning I have to miss Sunday School & the morning service), and I need to go to Sunday School every Sunday that I don't work. I have no excuses.
The well is running dry on coming up with two more resolutions... Ok, I will get specific on bettering myself: no more active or passive participation in gossip of any sort. That's not cool, and it's started to scare me! Like, if I listen to so-and-so talk about such-a-person, what might they be saying about me when I'm not around?! In 2014 I'll be uplifting in my speech.
Final resolution, because I'm plum out of ideas: worry less. NO CLUE how to go about doing that. :P
So those are my resolutions, bookish and personal, for 2014. I'll see if I can remember to do a check-back mid-year or at end-of-year. What are your resolutions, bookish or otherwise? Leave it in the comments!